The idea of AL•LE•GO•RY™ began at a small bar in Capitol Hill as many ideas do — with a couple of good friends over drinks. Noticing a billboard above us that seemed to depict the idea that in order to be beautiful in the eyes of society you had to fit into the mold of THEIR brand and product sparked a conversation around what beauty truly was. This conversation hatched endless hours of discussions revolving around one central question: What makes us beautiful?
Our answer? Your story — that is what makes you beautiful. The triumphs, the defeats, the scars, the uniqueness, the flaws, the patchwork quilt of everything that has happened to you in your life to make you the person you are — everything that comes together to make you "You" — that is what is beautiful.
In so many facets of our everyday lives, including within the art community, we sometimes fail to see each other’s beauty. People are often too quick to find reasons to tear apart each other, while continually struggling to come together. The concept of AL•LE•GO•RY gallery is to provide a fluid, free space that unites myriad kinds of people from a wide variety of communities together, not just physically, with moving walls, track lighting, and other features, but emotionally as well, by allowing people to fully realize the common threads we all share.